Greek Islands Trip - Arrival

September 05, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Dateline Rhodes:
After a long flight, we landed in Athens this morning, 10:50 local time and 3:20 EDT.
We were met at the airport by Ted's cousin, Daphne. We later departed for Rhodes on Olympic Air, arriving at 3:15, and then took a taxi to our hotel. The taxi driver had spent 40 years on the Danforth (in Toronto) before returning to Rhodes.
Then it was a walk on the beach, where it was hot and windy. We had a beer at a canteen along the beach. Here Ted quickly befriended the owner. After returning to clean up (only a little bit) at our hotel, we returned to the canteen for dinner and to watch the sun set. This is the photo - us at the outdoor canteen.The food was very good.  At dusk, to top this off, the owner brought us a shot of his home-made liqueur, Raki.
So now it is time to get some much-needed sleep.
Take care, Carl.
Sept 5


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