My Dilemma

March 21, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Veda and I have been in Vernon, British Columbia, since early January. We spend a good part of the winter season here because of the great skiing at Silver Star Mountain. Hence my dilemma: a choice between two of my passions, skiing and photography.

When we have a great snowfall, this usually results in the best skiing conditions. But this is also the time when photographing the local landscape is ideal.

Earlier this winter, the valley below us was enshrouded in fog for four days. The skiing in beautiful sunshine was fantastic. But so was the hoar frost down in the valley. So I was being pulled in two directions. I went skiing. But on the third frost day, after skiing three runs, I was compelled to pick up my photo gear and head down into the valley. This was an opportunity I could not let pass.

Since I am not very familiar with this area, I had to just wander around and hope I could find worthy images. I went to Cool's Pond and Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park. You can see some of these images on my web site under "Recent Work." The image below was created in another great location I lucked upon - Vernon Cemetary.

As luck would have it, the frost diappeared the next day. The lesson: seize the opportunity, do not wait, as it most likely will pass.





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