This morning was crisp - minus 23C. This is much below normal for this time of the year.
But we went out for an 8 a.m. breakfast meeting at College Boreal with ... The photo will answer this!
13-12-13 For me this was a missed photo opportunity. But it was my own fault.
I did not want to be burdened with an SLR camera at this event. Also I dislike going to the front of crowd to make a photo. In this case though, this would have been no problem. This was an informal meet-Justin event, and we were seated right at the front, and furthermore, we met and spoke with him personally. A lost opportunity this was.
This is a situation where having a good quality pocket-sized camera would be an asset.
Before you accuse me of making a political statement with this blog post, I will admit it. I am making a statement.