On Monday, our hosts Marian and Garth flew home from Southern California to attend to their dog, Kayla. Unfortunately the vet's examinations of Kayla revealed a growing and incurable cancer. So yesterday was Kayla's last day on earth.
Kayla was a Vizsla, a breed originating in Hungary. She was a very gentle and affectionate dog. Veda and I had the opportunity to look after her for parts of the last two winters.
We will always remember how easily she accepted us into her home and her life, almost as is if she had been ours. We'll remember her greeting us at the door when we returned from skiing, one of her stuffed toys in her mouth and enticing us to chase her. When we'd lie in bed, memories of her looking longingly awaiting an invitation to jump up and join us, which Veda was seldom able to resist, will remain in our hearts. How can we forget how she learned the way to get a treat from Veda - sit by the door asking to go outside to do her business (more than necessary) and quickly return for her cookie. She was so affectionate and wanting to please.
Thanks, Marian and Garth, for the opportunity. Thanks for the memories, Kayla. R.I.P.