July 8 - Seeing the Possibilities

July 08, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Here I am in the heat of mid-summer, not particularly inspiring times for photography. The other day as I was sitting on my deck enjoying a relaxing drink and wondering when the conditions would become conducive for good image making, I noticed these shadows under this deck bench. Realizing that I was somewhat desperate to make some photographs, I grabbed my camera and made this image.

_02A4852_02A4852 This moment started me thinking about other photographs that I had made which were out of my comfort zone, since I am primarily a landscape photographer. I also tend toward doing wildlife photography. So here are some images which, if not for seeing the potential, I might have passed by.


One day as I was driving past this demolition site, I saw these patterns on an exposed wall, in Sudbury.


Walls can be interesting, especially when they have been used to clean someone's paint brush.


In another fishing shack, also in the village of Hunt's Point, Nova Scotia, I saw these fisherman's rubber gloves hanging in the window.

980317980317Window in an old church Another window image, with the sun shining through from the other side, in an old church on Manitoulin Island.

T_07_0845T_07_0845Flowers through textured glass

Another photo through a window: I saw these flowers through textured glass in a small restaurant in the Swiss Alps, if truth be told, as I was looking for the washroom. Pee breaks can be doubly productive.

T_07_0844T_07_0844Broom, boots, flowers

I spotted this still life setup for me at a home in this same Swiss village. Which came first, the boots or the flowers?

T_11_0550T_11_0550 These fallen flower petals had been swept into this corner in the small Rhone village of Seguret.

T_12_0240T_12_0240 Someone other than me had placed this flower. I was attracted by the contrasting pink rose on a blue door. Taken in Mykonos, Greek Islands.

T_12_0563T_12_0563 These scarves were hanging outside a shop in Fira, Santorini.

T_14_0053T_14_0053Mannequins Hold on! These are only mannequins, in the Turkish sector of Nicosia, Cyprus.

T_14_0042T_14_0042Wall between Greek and Turkish sectors This brightly painted wall separates the UN peacekeepers who are stationed between the Greek and Turkish sectors of Nicosia.


Sometimes these graphic images jump out at me - shadows, rust stains, a ticket wicket. This was in Havana, Cuba.

T_15_0747T_15_0747 This is not one's typical tourist street scene. For me the unique was more interesting. These two I spotted in Havana.

971103971103 My version of a Calvin Klein portrait.

So no grand landscapes, no iconic tourist sites, no examples of incredible light, and no selfies.

All these photos were made as I found the subjects.

As Henri Cartier-Bresson said: "You just have to live and life will give you pictures."



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