What is meant by the concept of atmosphere in photography?
1-24000240Stormy skies Atmosphere, as defined by the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, is the pervading tone or mood of a place or situation, especially with reference to the feelings or emotions evoked. So how does this apply to photography?
2-11000070 The first image, taken in western Newfoundland at sunset, inspires awe because of the atmospheric conditions created by a distant thunder storm. The second, a sunrise image taken at Waterton Lakes National Park, similarly makes the viewer experience warmth, joy, and happiness as a storm clears at sunrise.
Technical perfection does not translate into creative perfection. As photographers we must look at the quality of the setting and how it evokes our emotions.
3-15000522 One way to achieve this is to look at the weather for conditions other than bright sunny mid-day skies.
4-C_06_0664 Fog is one of the most obvious elements, as it enhances the sense of space. It simplifies the scene by hiding distracting elements, often in the background, as seen in these two photos, first at Beaver Lake, and then at La Pêche, Quebec.
Here are a few more examples of foggy atmospheric conditions.
5-C_07_0599Foggy morning Morning at Kenny Lake, Lake Superior Provincial Park.
6-970402Mist rising on pond in early morning, Sudbury, Ontario Early morning, Sudbury.
7-C_16_0772 October dawn on Oxtongue Lake, Muskoka.
8-C_08_0137 Cemetery, Enderby, British Columbia.
9-S_14_0267Morning fishing, Vermilion River, Whitefish, City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Vermilion River, Whitefish.
10-18000318acp Lake of Two Rivers, Algonquin Provincial Park.
Fog is only one atmospheric element that we can utilize to enhance mood in our photos.
In the next blog, I will discuss some other weather conditions which evoke differing emotions.