Day 28 - Foggy Days Continue

October 01, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

We left our Wirzweli airbnb this morning, a morning with thick fog, as the following photo shows.

After driving down the narrow winding road, for the last time, we headed for Engelberg.

With all the recent rain, many waterfalls were flowing strongly, as was this one near Stans.

Engelberg is the departure point for the cable cars up to the summit of Titlis. Because of the weather conditions, Veda and I passed on this excursion. But Hannah and Chris made their choice, to go up. Veda and I spent some time in the town.

While we were having coffee in a cafe in Engelberg, we heard cow bells clanging in the street. We quickly got the car and caught up to the parade. I parked the car and ran to get ahead of the cow parade, hoping to get some photos.

This is one of the images I made.

After picking up Hannah and Chris at the cable car station, we headed out to our next stop.

We were booked at Hotel Baren in Habkern, a small village above Interlaken.

We celebrated Hannah and Chris's 15th wedding anniversary with a meal in the hotel restaurant.

All of us had a local specialty, some version of deer (hirsch)

A very delicious dinner on a special day.


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