This is Wirzweli, the high alpine village where we are currently staying.
This is the "road" we drive on as we leave the airbnb.
Here we are about to descend from high altitudes down to the valley and then on to Luzern (Lucerne).
Why are these cows not enjoying the view?
This is the most famous landmark in Luzern, the old wooden bridge.
It is actually mostly a reconstruction of the original bridge that had burned in the 1990s.
Old Luzern is the interesting area, with its traditional buildings.
Here is the "Lion Monument" carved in the rock, commemorating Swiss Guards who were massacred in the French Revolution.
We walked about the old city along the river and managed to survive the rain.
Then it was back to the harrowing (at least for Veda) drive back up to Wirzweli.
Rain clouds over Sarnersee as seen from the road up from the valley.
When we reached the alpine plateau we were greeted by a beautiful rainbow.
We stopped at a farmhouse and went in to buy some of their cheese.
We did not buy all of that - only a small wedge. This was a very delicious semi soft cheese.
Their cows thanked us for stopping in and making a purchase.
That evening Chris cooked a great dinner, highlighted with spatzli and pancetta with schnitzel, and wine.