This day we spent in the Sahara Desert.
T_24_0607 This was our lodgings at the desert camp. Our unit was the one seen in this photo.
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These dunes were all close to our desert camp.
T_24_0570 Here we see a group of tourists on their camel ride into the desert.
T_24_0578 A camel herder tends to his prize camel.
P_24_0055Desert Camp Veda is all prepared to go on her camel ride.
"Laura of Arabia", a.k.a. Veda, on her camel as the group prepares to depart.
Later in the day, we visited a desert home, that of a single mother and her daughter.
T_24_0579Visit to desert home
Our group brought pencils, crayons, and books for the young girl.
The mother had only one goat, so anything we were able to give along with our visit's contributions helped.
T_24_0585 A typical Sahara building.
On our desert tour, we stopped to hear some local musicians perform.
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