Greek Islands Trip - Day 4

September 07, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Hello from Grace and Veda (...and Carl and Ted of course!),
Despite our slow start to the day we were able to see quite a few sites since we rented a car and drove along the western side of the island. 
The highlights of the day included a drive up to Filerimos for an overlook over the Aegean toward the coast of Turkey, Butterfly Valley (a gorge with a shady walking trail, streams and butterflies..although there are only two weeks left before they leave for the winter so we saw only one type of butterfly; however, there were thousands of this one species). Further along, we stopped at the ancient ruins of Kamiros which was rebuilt after an earthquake in 226 BC. Some of the pillars are made from marble which is not available on the island!  The ruins sit slightly up the mountain with a beautiful view over the Aegean Sea which provides a constant breeze.
(Small pause to steal fresh figs from a farmer's field...yum).
We drove inland to the town of Embonas where we enjoyed a traditional Greek meal complete with grilled lamb and our first taste of Greek wine!
Today's picture was taken on our drive back down the mountains as the sun was setting along the coast of Rhodes.
Sept 7
Photo tip: Finding a good vantage point when the good light is coming can be frustrating. Do the best you can. For this shot, I had Ted drop me off and I walked along the narrow road to get a good view while he found a turn-around and then picked me up on the way back. Often it is impossible to find a parking place for the car, so it was great to have another driver.
Tomorrow we will hit the east coast!


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