November Blahs

November 01, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Here it is November. Just a month ago I was out photographing the brilliant colours of autumn in the Sudbury region. Now it is "down and brown" time, what I refer to as the photographic blahs.

Sure, the spectacular hues of autumn trees always attract and beckon me to photograph. The browns of this time of year just do not have this same appeal. But that does not mean that there are not interesting photos to be made. It just takes more effort.

Nov1-1 The colours may be minimal, but the landscape still can attract, as the above photo exhibits. In some areas, those few leaves still on the trees add an element of colour to a seemingly dreary scene.


Nov1-2 Even when the trees are bare, weather conditions, as on this rainy day, can create conditions for photographing.

The moral of this post: get out with your camera. Photographs can be made in all seasons. They certainly will not have the wow factor of brilliant fall colours, but the subtlety can produce photos on a different level.


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