May 15 - Cyprus

May 15, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This is my first blog from this trip as I was unable to get internet connections at Pearson or Heathrow Airports.


We've travelled to Cyprus with our good friend Ted Djaferis. He will be showing us around his home country for the next week.

This photo of Veda and Ted was made at Pearson Airport in Toronto just prior to our departure.


We left Pearson in a light rain. As we ascended we could see bolts of lightening to the south. Later the skies cleared so that I had a beautiful view of the eastern coast of New Brunswick and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

The flight was very smooth across the Atlantic. We transferred planes at London's Heathrow Airport for our connection to Larnaca, Cyprus.

The skies over England were bright and clear (really, no rain). We had great views of the patchwork of green fields - no uniform grids here. But after we left London clouds obstructed the views of the land.

As we approached Cyprus the clouds no longer blocked our views. I was amazed at how rugged much of the terrain was, as you can see in this photo.


We were met at the airport by Ted's brother Hercules. We picked up our rental car and drove (they drive on the left side of the road here) to Ted's mother's home in Larnaca, making a brief stop on the way to photograph the sunset over Larnaca Salt Lake.

Seven hours time difference plays havoc on the body clock, so we were not early risers this morning. When we arose around 9:00, the morning was a pleasant 21C with a light breeze. We then had a light breakfast on the back deck, as you can see in this photo of Veda with Ted's mother.



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