May 20 - Cyprus

May 20, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This morning we returned our rental car because Daphne had also rented one. We had no need for two cars. By luck when we arrived, the airport had just reopened after having been evacuated because of a bomb scare, in reaction to tomorrow's visit by Joe Biden.

We then headed out on a trip into the north, the area controlled by the Turks. We drove to the Green Line (as the division line is called) and along the no-man's zone until we came to a Turkish check point, which one has to pass through showing passports. You will see no images from these areas as photography is forbidden. We carried on to the old walled city of Famagusta, which is in the Turkish controlled sector of Cyprus. We walked down to the beach and along a fence from where we could see the ghost city, which we had seen from the Greek side yesterday.Here we could see the beach-front hotels in their abandoned state, some with bombed out walls. Before the Turkish invasion, there had been 30,000 hotel beds in Famagusta, at that time the most tourist developed area of Cyprus. This whole area is the ghost city today.

We then walked into old Famagusta and onto the old walls, which date from the 12th century. We strolled the old town, seeing some of the several ruins of ancient churches, which are not looked after by the Turkish authorities.

14-05-20-114-05-20-1 In the foreground of this photo you can see a section of the old walls. In the distant background you can see three shells of abandoned hotels in the ghost city.

After our tour of Famagusta, we then drove to Kantara Castle, a Lusignan Gothic castle, situated at the top of a mountain peak. On a clear day one should be able to see Syria, but this was our first cloudy day here. Here is a photo of Ted climbing in the castle ruins.

14-05-20-214-05-20-2 On our descent we met a bride and groom who were having their photos taken here.

14-05-20-314-05-20-3 We then drove down the north side of the mountain and through a small town called Davnos, seen in this photo.

14-05-20-414-05-20-4 Then it was along the north coast and back to Larnaca. Another great day!


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