This will be my first post since last Sunday from Dublin. Why such a long time between posts? I have not had internet access until last night, but that connection kept kicking me out. We'll see how well this connection works. If I have one complaint about Ireland, it is the crappy internet service available here.
Since picking up our car at Dublin Airport, we have spent our time touring in the west of Ireland. We travelled the Ring of Beara, the Ring of Kerry, Sheep's Head, and Dingle Peninsula. Tonight we are in Kinvara, County Galway, on Galway Bay. The weather has been typically Irish - ugly! No, not really; we've had sunny days, cloudy days, rainy days, but with temperatures usually from 12C to 21C, but mostly on the cooler side.
This photo shows the view we had from our cottage on the Kenmare River, where we stayed for the first week. These cottages were located about one half hour drive out of the town of Kenmare, County Kerry.
14-05-25-2 Sheep
Here are a few randomly chosen images from our week's travels.
14-05-26-1 Along the Ring of Beara, Beara Peninsula, County Kerry.
14-05-26-2Ring of Beara, County Cork Ring of Beara, County Cork.
14-05-26-3 Eyeries, County Cork.
14-05-27-2 Cliffs of Kerry.
14-05-27-3 Waterville, County Kerry.
14-05-28-1 Along Ring of Kerry.
14-05-28-2 Ballycarberry Castle ruins (15th century), County Kerry.
14-05-30-1View from Healy Pass County Kerry, view from Healy Pass.
14-05-30-2 Kenmare, County Kerry.