May 4 - Signs of Spring

May 04, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

We spent a few days in Toronto last week. What is there to photograph in early spring in Toronto?

Mo and Dennis alerted me to Alexander Muir Park on Yonge Street just south of Lawrence. These blue flowers were blooming in patches along the park trail. I made this photo of a small group of them, after waiting for a while for cloud cover.

As I was about to leave, I spotted a Hairy woodpecker foraging. I was able to capture this image of her (it is a female) with a grub in her beak.

On my drive home on Sunday, I ventured off Highway 400 near Moonstone. There I made this photo of Trout lilies blooming in a hardwood forest. This forest will shortly be a sea of trilliums.

Further north, near Moon River, I photographed among patches of Coltsfoot and made this someone abstract macro image. These small flowers grow very low to the ground.

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)



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