December 29 - Arrival in Habkern

December 29, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

_02A2826_02A2826 We left this hotel in Rothenburg on a foggy morning for the short drive to Lucerne.

_02A2830_02A2830 Lucerne's most famous tourist attraction is this wooden bridge. Unfortunately the old original burned a few years ago, so this is a reconstruction of that old bridge. Annie, Monte, and Veda pose with the bridge in the background.

_02A2835_02A2835 _02A2842_02A2842 I've had a change of mind. I've decided to not buy a Lamborghini. They are just too common!

After our morning in Lucerne, we drove to Interlaken, and then up a winding road to the mountain village of Habkern.

_02A2852_02A2852 This was the view from our apartment as the fog lifted briefly. 

We will be here for the next five nights. Hoping for some sunshine.


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