December 30 - Day in Habkern

December 30, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Today was another cloudy overcast day in Switzerland. We decided to take the post bus down to Interlaken to pick up some supplies because we are staying in an apartment with a kitchen. It's quite expensive here, so the more we cook at home the better.

_02A2869_02A2869 We then returned to Habkern. These Post Bus drivers are amazing, driving these vehicles on the narrow winding mountain roads.

_02A2882_02A2882 Our apartment is at the bottom right of this building.

_02A2898_02A2898 This is what we see outside our apartment, when the sun shines.

_02A2887_02A2887 As we walked around this small village, we noticed many small vignettes of local life.

Even the wood piles are neat and tidy.

As the day ended, the fog lifted and we were treated to our first alpen glow.

_02A2933_02A2933 The skies cleared up, so we hope to have a sunny day tomorrow.



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