August 7 - Summer Festivals in Sudbury

August 07, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

On these last two weekends I took in a couple of events that were held here in Sudbury.

The first one that I paid a short visit to was the annual Greek Festival nearby.

_02A9697_02A9697Greek Festival

It looked so good that I decided to have some saganaki.

_02A9694_02A9694Greek Festival There was a vast array of Greek foods available, including lamb that was being roasted on spits, and the usual souvlakis and mousaka, plus interesting desserts, but I resisted. The kids also were not into the food as bouncing in this tent was more fun.

_02A9680_02A9680Greek Festival Last Sunday I spent some time at the Sudbury Cruisers Car Show at the park in Copper Cliff.

_02A9823_02A9823 Here are a select few images of some of the vehicles on display.

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