November 30 - Snow Storm

November 30, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

We had a lot of snow on the ground when we returned home on November 12 from our trip to Portugal.

With the very cold weather, it seemed as if this snow would remain. Then a return to mild temperatures and some rains and much of this snow melted away. But this week we experienced a winter storm which closed many roads for that day. This heavy wet snow and the light rain that followed played havoc on many trees. Then this all froze and remained on the trees for the last three days. Many pine trees lost branches or bent right over because they could not withstand the weight. These photos show the snow weighing on the trees.

P_19_0190P_19_0190 This was the view up our driveway the day of the storm. It was plowed long before our streets. A pine bent across the driveway on  the left side in this image that night, so I had to get the chain saw out the next morning. I cut it instead of taking a picture.

S_19_0297S_19_0297 This is along Chief Lake Road. Note that the city had not yet plowed.

Here is a selection of photos that I've taken these last three days.

S_19_0294S_19_0294 S_19_0318S_19_0318

S_19_0298S_19_0298 S_19_0326S_19_0326 S_19_0333S_19_0333 S_19_0313S_19_0313 S_19_0366S_19_0366 S_19_0347S_19_0347 S_19_0342S_19_0342 S_19_0364S_19_0364 Even the horse is enjoying the scenery, as long as he is bundled up.


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