March 18 - Two Drives

March 18, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

The weather has warmed up the last few days. This is nice to have here in town, but not great for skiing. There is still a lot of snow on the mountain, but warming temperatures and sunshine make the snow soft and even slushy.

This change in weather has been great for touring. On Saturday we drove north to Salmon Arm with the Hunkins.


The main reason for going to Salmon Arm was to visit Shuswap Pie Company.

We had lunch and dessert here, and also purchased their fantastic frozen pies: One savory beef and stout, and two fruit pies, peach-blueberry and saskatoon berry.

13431343 On Sunday Veda and I went for a drive on Westside Road, down the west side of Okanagan Lake to Kelowna.

13441344 Westside Road is a scenic winding road which at times brings one high above the lake.

13451345 Near Bear Creek Provincial Park we encountered a herd of twelve Bighorn sheep.

13461346 13471347

The day was capped off with a St. Patrick's Day feast at Hunkins.


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