January 3 - Pewaukee, Wisconsin

January 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Happy New Year. Hard to believe that it is already 2020.

We are on our journey to British Columbia. We left home on Tuesday but drove only as far as Blind River.

_02A3390_02A3390 This is a photo of the North Channel at Claudette and Bob Gallagher's home at Blind River.

We celebrated the coming of the new year here with them and friends Marilyn and Jerry Behnke.

We departed on New Year's Day heading to the Milwaukee Wisconsin area.

The drive was nothing short of spectacular. Trees were ice coated as far as Bruce Mines, where I took this photo.

_02A3438_02A3438 Finding photos around here in all the chaos of the forest was difficult. But it was even more difficult driving along and not stopping to look for photo possibilities. After here, trees were laden with snow, all the way to the Wisconsin border.

_02A3452_02A3452 This photo was taken near Rudyard, Michigan. There were so many spectacular scenes to photograph, but we had miles to go before we slept, to paraphrase Robert Frost. This is only one of the many photos I made.

_02A3505_02A3505 As darkness fell, I stopped to photograph this scene south of Escanaba, Michigan, along Lake Michigan.

Because of our late departure from Blind River, we thought that we would take a motel room on the way. But the roads were clear and the driving was good, so we decided to carry on all the way to Pewaukee.

We've been here for two days visiting with cousin Susan and John Yench and daughter Katie.

We'll leave tomorrow morning and meet up with Mo and Dennis Hunkin near Madison. We will then travel together to Vernon and our winter of skiing.


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