We left Pewaukee on Saturday and rendezvoused with Maureen and Dennis near Madison. That day we drove as far as Worthington, Minnesota. Here we are having our hotel room dinner - wine and cheese.
This would be topped off with Nespresso coffee. How's that, you ask. Maureen brought along her coffee machine and coffee capsules.
Always travel in style - good wines, good coffee, good company.
The next day we crossed South Dakota and overnighted in Spearfish, near the border of Wyoming.
This photo taken in Wyoming illustrates how little snow we encountered across these states.
Still very little snow in Montana. These teepees were near Custer Little Bighorn Battlefield.
We drove this day to Livingstone, Montana, for the night. Here the winds were ferocious coming up the valley from the south.
Next day we spent took side trip into Yellowstone National Park.
The day was very mild and overcast - not great for landscape photography.
This photo shows how little snow there was in the park. Great for the wildlife, but not the tourists.
We saw many bison, but no other wildlife except for one Bighorn ram. We did see large herds of elk and deer north of Gardiner, which is north of the park entrance.
One stop at the lower terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs and then we returned to Livingstone and continued on our route west along I-90.
Here is where we spent last night. Up to this point the roads have been bare and dry. The weather has been great, mostly just above the freezing point. The only issue was the high winds near Livingston.
As we headed westward today, we encountered some wet roads, but these were really not an issue. This photo shows the highway at the summit of Lookout Pass, which is the border of Montana and Idaho.
Tonight we are in Spokane, Washington. Tomorrow we'll drive northward into British Columbia.
We should arrive in Vernon later in the afternoon. Weather forecast seems good.