January 5 - 2020 Favourites

January 05, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

2020 was an unusual year, even for me for photography.

Our first two and a half months of the year were spent in the Okanagan. But then the pandemic struck and we had to come home earlier than has been our custom. The rest of the year we were confined close to home. thus limiting my photo possibilities to what I could find in my yard, along the road to my place, or on some short excursions nearby. So no travelling became the norm.

Here are my favourite images from this year. 

I'm not ranking the photos, but posting them in chronological order.


This one image from Silver Star embodies the aura of the mountain setting.

2-W_20_00282-W_20_0028 This is one from a group of five Bighorn rams on the west side of Okanagan Lake just north of Kelowna.

3-C_20_00773-C_20_0077 We stopped in Canmore on the first night of our journey home. We awoke to this winter wonderland, making it difficult to hit the road.

4-S_20_00274-S_20_0027 This wetland close by on Chief Lake Road I have photographed innumerable times.


This scene is literally at the corner of my house. I like the simplicity created by the light spring snowfall.

6-S_20_00536-S_20_0053 Another majestic snowy scene along Chief Lake Road.

7-S_20_00757-S_20_0075  Crocuses are early blooming, photographed at our driveway entrance. Spring is in the air.

8-M_20_00288-M_20_0028 I liked the whimsy of these paint can lids from the mural painting of the old hospital. I managed to photograph them through the wire-link fence. Colour and pattern were the attraction.

9-M_20_00509-M_20_0050 I've photographed this Dodge truck in the Wanup area a few times. I was attracted to the contrast between the rusting dying vehicle and the emergence of the refreshing spring growth.


 An idyllic scene at Gore Bay, just being here at the right time.


Limestone alvars on Manitoulin Island. Overcast conditions are best for photographing these patterns.

12-S_20_023712-S_20_0237 The same wetland on Chief Lake Road, only looking in the opposite direction.

13-S_20_028013-S_20_0280 I've photographed St. Pothier Lake so often that the challenge is to not repeat myself, to come home with something unique.

14-S_20_037114-S_20_0371 There are few grand landscapes near home, so I often concentrate on the small details at my feet.

15-S_20_050215-S_20_0502 Tamaracks in their autumn golden glory, near Elliot Lake.


These rapids on the Wanapitae River near Wanup pose a challenge to photograph. Too many idiots have ruined the rocks with graffiti.


Finding beauty in the small details, near Kelly Lake.

18-S_20_059018-S_20_0590 There can even be beauty in the scarred and eroded landscape -  Copper Cliff.

19-W_20_005219-W_20_0052 White-breasted Nuthatch photographed from my deck.

20-S_20_062820-S_20_0628 On another walk in the eroded land at Copper Cliff.

21-S_20_068321-S_20_0683 I photographed this small pond in early morning near Rock Lake, south of Sudbury.

22-S_20_072422-S_20_0724 This frosty forest scene I saw near Wanup.

23-S_20_074423-S_20_0744 There is even beauty in a ditch, on Chief Lake Road, at least when it freezes and traps fallen leaves.

Covid has forced us photographers to explore our home regions more closely. It's all a matter of seeing the possibilities.

Let me know which is your favourite image, whether you have one or not.

24-S_20_081624-S_20_0816 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021.

Next post will be on January 19.


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