This morning was somewhat milder - only -12C, in Headingley, but still very windy.
Today's driving was some of the most brutal I've encountered in a very long time.
_D7A2011 It was much worse than this photo, taken near Brandon, shows. The strong north winds often made visibility poor. Besides that, I was constantly fighting being pushed by these winds. When we were behind a transport, it was still more difficult to see. I had to pick my spot to safely pass.
_D7A2012 Picking up coffee at the drive-thru and eating our sandwiches gave us a break from the tension of the drive.
_D7A2019 This photo taken in Virden, Manitoba, shows how the winds have drifted the snow around this building.
_D7A2022 In Saskatchewan, the driving conditions got even worse. I would drive at varying speeds, based on visibility - 60 kph and up to 110 kph.
Often it was difficult to see the highway lines and I slowed down suddenly because I could not see.
On most of the drive in Saskatchewan we kept seeing a sundog.
_D7A2053 This was the best, a full arc, just before Regina.
But getting out to take photos was brutal as the temperature had fallen to -23C. The wind chill was reported to be -40C.
We'd had enough. No more battling the winds and swirling snow. We decided to stop in Regina.
Time for some relaxation and hopes for better weather tomorrow.