August 22 - Uninspiring Time of the Year

August 22, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

This time in the summer is a period that most photographers - me included - find uninspiring.

The days are hot, the colours in the landscape are very uniform, and epic atmospheric situations are few.

How does one overcome these blahs?

One way is to force myself to crawl out of the comfortable bed very early and hope for a colouful sunrise.

S_22_0139S_22_0139 Not great colour in the sky, but interesting clouds and a good ridge line as a silhouette.

S_22_0142S_22_0142 I look for cool mornings so that there is a good chance for fog, as in this farm scene at Wanup.

S_22_0141S_22_0141 On these cool mornings, low lying areas may also have a layer of fog.

S_22_0145S_22_0145 Fog may also be found on bodies of water which are warmer than the air temperature.

This was along the Wanapitae River at Wanup.

These conditions often dissipate quickly, so the rest of the day is not conducive for photographs.

If I'm lucky, a passing rain storm in the evening might create rainbows.


Otherwise mid-day photography needs great clouds for landscape images.

One can also photograph close-ups on overcast days, without winds.

These are situations that I will be hoping to find as we embark on a European vacation.

T_22_0001T_22_0001Travel prep Most of our plans are in place, car rentals are booked, some hotels and airb&bs have been confirmed.

We leave on September 1, from Toronto to Keflavik (Iceland) and to Munich.

I plan to post a blog, if not daily, then most every second day, of our exploits.

I hope that you can follow along, and perhaps post comments.


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