Day 12 - Into Northern Italy

September 13, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

This morning we left Kransjka Gora, Slovenia.

This was the area just before we entered Italy.

Into Italy, we were unable to find our location on the road map, so I punched Cortina into our GPS and followed its guidance.

We drove south for about 50 kilometres on this autostrada before turning off on to the smaller highways.

Some were wider, some more narrow, but many were still winding curves and switchbacks.

Even these secondary roads had tunnels, though not as many as on the autostrada.

We had our customary afternoon cappuccino en route.

We arrived in Cortina d'Ampezzo late in the afternoon and found lodgings.

We walked into centre town for dinner with beer instead of wine.

Tomorrow? We'll see what the weather is and then decide.


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