October 3 - What to Photograph?

October 03, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Summer is my least favourite time of the year for photographing. Why is this so?

The sun usually shines brightly, making scenes more contrasty and colours less vibrant.

The days are often hot and humid and scenes lack atmosphere or vitality.

But I was itching to make some photos, so I decided to drive to Fielding Park and work on creating impressionistic photos. My method was to use intentional camera movement (ICM)and hope to come up with a few images. On this day I made 235 images, and wound up keeping 34. The rest were assigned to the "dust bin."

Here are some examples.

M_23_0067M_23_0067 M_23_0050M_23_0050

M_23_0052M_23_0052 M_23_0056M_23_0056 M_23_0065M_23_0065 M_23_0068M_23_0068 M_23_0077M_23_0077 M_23_0076M_23_0076 This was one way for me to overcome the photographer's blues.


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