February 12 - Snow Ghosts of Silver Star

February 12, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

1SS1SS Sunshine finally was the order of the day last Wednesday, so I decided to spend much of the morning photographing the snow ghosts of Silver Star Mountain. These snow-encrusted trees are what are referred to as snow ghosts. The snow will cling to the trees until either warm weather or high winds force the snow to fall off the conifers.

The scenery was fantastic, though it had been even better the Monday of the previous week, when I had chosen to ski rather than photograph. Unfortunately all the days since had been very foggy. So I was not going to miss this opportunity again.


Although all this heavy snow hanging on the trees creates a beautiful landscape, there are some negative aspects. With all the weight of the snow, many trees snapped off their tops or simply fell over. Parts of the ski area were closed at times to allow for the removal of fallen and dangerous trees.




All of these pristine scenes have been photographed at the perimeter of the ski runs.

7SS7SS 8SS8SS Most often I was photographing while on my skis. Otherwise I would have been sinking into deep snow.


This was a small selection of the photos that I made that day.

Which one is your favourite?

I'd like to hear from you.

If you do not like any of them, feel free to let me know.

This has been my first blog post in almost four months, the last one coming from Switzerland.

I've finally processed all my images from our autumn European trip. I hope to share some of those in future blogs.

I plan to post an new blog once a week, every Sunday. Hope to have you along.


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