February 19 - Photographing Travel Companions

February 19, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

While on vacation, we all like to take photos of our friends and family.

1-D7A85651-D7A8565 Too often these are static images, just record shots, which is fine. But in this photo Veronica and Veda are too stiff, not relaxed. The image gives no context, as to where we are, or what are we doing. Yes, we have a nice car!

2-P_22_01172-P_22_0117 This photo is somewhat better. Jane and Veda appear relaxed. The background provides context, giving a clue about where we are travelling.

We can surmise that we are somewhere in an Alpine region, in this case, Austria.


Even though this is another record shot, the viewer knows where the photo was taken. Better yet the subjects are relaxed and enjoying themselves.

4-P_22_01324-P_22_0132 Even though the ladies are obviously posing in this photo, this is a better image. Why? I think the viewer will pause and look longer at this photo. It evokes mystery - where are they standing? Their placement in the upper left is the focal point of the photo, but this also allows the viewer to see the landscape of its setting and ask where was this.

5-P_22_02425-P_22_0242 Giving the people in your photos something to do rather than just standing and peering at the camera improves the photos.

Food is always an integral part of why we travel. Here Veda and Hannah are having a meal at our airbnb.

Wine helps the posing. Why four plates?

6-P_22_02896-P_22_0289 This photo shows the setting of a café where they are relaxing over coffees and pastries.

7-P_22_02647-P_22_0264Hannah's and Chris's 15th anniversary dinner I made this photo from outside the restaurant, a less typical point of view and thus a more interesting image.


When taking photos of your fellow travellers, do include images from cafés, pubs, and restaurants, but look for something unique, and try to show the location. Take many photos because you are looking for flattering expressions on the people.

And remember to also photograph the food, even the beer.

One way to photograph your subjects other than them standing in the scene is to have them walking while you take the photo.

9-P_22_01229-P_22_0122 There is more of a story to this photo. We are walking high in the mountains. It's also a landscape image of Hallstatt Glacier.

10-P_22_029210-P_22_0292 This photo is another example of catching your subjects in action. It is a much better photograph because of the dramatic back lighting and the setting in an old village.

Capturing images of your companions candidly in action adds another dimension to your story of the trip.

11-P_22_013411-P_22_0134 Well, not exactly in action!

12-P_22_030112-P_22_0301 13-P_22_023613-P_22_0236Hot chestnuts

There is nothing bad about asking your friends to pose for a photo. But try to make it fun.

14-P_22_022014-P_22_0220 Have them do something that is humourous, something that is not simply posing.

15-P_22_030615-P_22_0306 16-P_22_030816-P_22_0308 17-T_22_006417-T_22_0064 These photos, even if they are portraits of your subjects, say here we are, having a great time.

18-P_22_013718-P_22_0137 What are they contemplating? Caught unawares sometimes works.

19-P_22_028519-P_22_0285 I hope that I've provided you with some "food for thought" for photographing your fellow travellers on your next holiday.

May that be soon.




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