Greek Islands Trip - Day 7

September 10, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Dateline Finikas, Syros:

Well, we made it through the night voyage, but not without having to endure Greek organization. First, the ferry was late because of windy conditions. Next, boarding was a mass entry, everyone clamouring en mass to get on the ferry. Lining up and organization appear to be a Greek challenge. A large crowd was pushing and shoving to get through one ticket taker on the entrance to the stairs up into the seating area of the ferry. At the same time, large trucks were being loaded. This was an accident waiting to happen. At least we had reserved seats, whereas many were travelling economy and were pushing to get a "choice" spot to sit or lie down. This was not a comfortable trip even though we had airplane type seats.
We arrived at the port in Syros at about 4:30 a.m. We had arranged a pickup by our hotel owner. Then it was straight to bed until about 11:00. The owners were very good, including making us "morning" coffee. But they had no room for our stay here, but had arranged for the owner's brother to pick us up and transport us to his hotel across the island in the town of Finikas (where the attached photo was taken as we strolled down to the beach).
Later in the day we rented a car in Finikas, and drove to a couple beach locations on Syros, taking in the sunset at Kini.
Now we are in our hotel (without hot water for showering, but we have gas in the car!) drinking a bottle of Greek wine, and enjoying a platter of fresh figs from the owners  (both are very good).
Tomorrow is another day on Syros.
Sept 10


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