Greek Islands Trip - Day 6

September 09, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Sept 9
Symi, our ferry's first port of call.
Dateline Patmos:
We left Rhodes this morning at 8:30 on the catamaran (a higher speed form of transport than a ferry). It travelled at 33 knots.
We stopped briefly at the islands of Symi, Kos, Kalymnos, Leros, and Lipsi. We disembarked at Patmos at 14:00 and immediately went to rent a car. Problem was that once we started out, we realized the tank was empty. The next problem was that both of this island's gas stations were out of gas! So back we went to the rental agency and were able to get another car, which had a quarter tank of gas. Wow! We were finally off. Moral of this story is that if you ever have Ted rent you a car, have him also request that gas be included.
We had lunch at a traditional Greek restaurant in Skala (the port town) and then photographed the town from the road above it. This road took us to Hora, the site of a monastery and the cave where John is believed to have written Revelations. Here Veda and Grace attended a festival of traditional Greek dancing while Ted and I went in search of sweet light. In other words, we toured part of this small island.
Sept 9-2
Now we are in a cafe awaiting our midnight ferry departure. We're scheduled to arrive in Syros at 4:00 a.m. We're really looking forward to that experience! But we have booked a hotel and have arranged to have the owner pick us up when we arrive.
Sleep well!


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