Inspiration from Jim Brandenburg

October 24, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Former National Geographic photographer Jim Brandenburg created a self-assignment - shoot one photo and only one photo a day for ninety days.

This photographic project, near his home in northern Minnesota, resulted in a spread in National Geographic magazine and a book entitled "Chased by the Light."

I don't purport to be in Brandenburg's league, or even in his minor leagues (pardon the sports analogy), but this idea inspired me to create a self-assignment - post one photo per day. I have not set a specific number of days for this exercise. And I will not limit myself to shoot only one photo per day as Brandenburg did. But I will post one photo per day in my blog for as long as I can. For me this will be a challenge, especially at this time of the year when the conditions for photographing can be difficult.

So here is the first of what I hope will be many posts.


I had to make a journey to Manitoulin Island. This photo of back-lit frosted trees was made along the route near Espanola, Ontario.

Incidentally, if you ever drive I-90 through southern Minnesota, I recommend a visit to the Brandenburg Gallery in Luverne.



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