September 26 - Onaping Falls

September 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Yesterday afternoon we were invited for a drive to Onaping Falls with our friends Marilyn and Bob. It was a beautiful sunny warm day, a great time to take in the splendour of autumn colours and have a little picnic at the A. Y. Jackson Lookout. But these are not conditions that I like for making photographs. Looking at this first image of the falls, the front lighting is harsh and the colours are flat.

14-09-26-114-09-26-1 The pioneer Austrian colour photographer Ernst Haas said: "All light is the best light." But some light may not be best for some situations. One of these is bright mid-day sunshine for fall scenics, especially if the scene is front lit. Back lighting, if possible, is a better way to photograph. But this was not possible for this setting.


I returned to Onaping Falls early this morning and photographed the same scene in high fog which diffused the light. Note in this next photo how rich and vibrant the colours are in comparison to the same scene in the previous day's conditions.



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