April 2 - Vancouver

April 02, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Ski season has come to an end.

So this morning, we left Vernon on a beautiful but cool spring morning. We drove south past Kelowna and then to Highway 97 west towards Merritt. This highway, which is a picturesque divided four lane most of the way, climbed to over 5200 feet in altitude. As we descended to Merritt the terrain  changed from snowy alpine to semi-arid grasslands, into the Nicola Valley.

We then turned south on the Coquihalla Highway. The summit of this pass is at about 6000 feet. En route we encountered some snow and slushy roads, but the greenery reappeared as we approached Hope, where we entered the Fraser Valley. From here it was on to North Vancouver.

This photo shows the Coquihalla River near Hope.



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