This was our hottest day of the year, with the temperature here reaching 32.7 C. So I thought that it was time to show a few of my recent photos.
I like to sit at this window to read and to take in the view as spring gradually changes the landscape and summer approaches. Fiddleheads and rhubarb are a couple of the wild plants that are delicacies of the season that I look forward to. Today I baked a rhubarb custard pie.
P_17_0094 We recently visited Manitoulin Island to spend time with our friends Nancy and Rick. While there I helped Rick assemble and put in his new dock.
How can we get together and not enjoy good dinners with fantastic wines? These are a given.
I have also found time to photograph the season's landscapes around my home territory. Here is a selection of these images.
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These two images I made just down the road from my house.
S_17_0035 A variety of spring colours at Naughton.
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These two wetland images I found within the city limits of Sudbury.
M_17_0062 What photos could one make of Canada without at least one of a hockey rink, or a former hockey rink!
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S_17_0092 The previous five images are from Manitoulin Island. This following photo I made in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, at my cousin's home.