December 24 - Christmas Eve in Austria

December 25, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Christmas Eve started as a rainy day. As we were eating breakfast, the rain turned into soft wet flakes of snow.

We decided to drive into Kitzbuhel, only about ten minutes away. Shortly after our arrival, the rain stopped, making for a pleasant day for strolling. Here are a few images taken in the old part of the city and its Christmas market.

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_B0A8740_B0A8740 After spending the afternoon in Kitzbuhel, we returned to our hotel for some relaxation before dinner. The enjoyable aspect of staying in a small family-run establishment is the chance to intermingle with other guests and the staff.

_B0A8789_B0A8789Onkel Tom and Bruno

Onkel Tom, the chef, and Bruno, the proprieter of Hotel Schmiedboden.

_B0A8777_B0A8777 Annie at our dinner table set for our Christmas Eve feast.






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