February 19 - Westside Road, North Okanagan

February 19, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

On Monday we went for a drive along Westside Road, which runs down, as the name implies, the west side of Lake Okanagan from Vernon to Kelowna.

This route provides great views of the lake from a number of high viewpoints.

_02A3848_02A3848 The road twists and turns and climbs along the steep banks of the lake, making for a spectacular drive.


At one point we spotted these Bighorn Sheep rams, but the photo situation was not appealing.

_B0A0500_B0A0500 Though they were beautiful specimens of mature rams, they were browsing in a residential area.

As we drove further south, we came upon a herd of females and young rams near Bear Creek Provincial Park.

_B0A0522_B0A0522 We then drove into Kelowna for a coffee stop at Bliss Bakery . But I vowed to return later in the week to look for the rams with full curl horns.

This I did this afternoon and as luck would have it, I found the group of mature rams.

Here are two photos that I took of them.

_02A3918_02A3918 _02A3955_02A3955 I will likely return another day before we head home.




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