March 24 - Thunder Bay

March 24, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Yesterday was a long drive, from Moose Jaw to Kenora, almost 900 km along the Trans-Canada Highway.

The day was overcast, but mild, and the roads were clear, with little traffic.

Today, after leaving The Comfort Inn (not recommended, but scant choices in Kenora), we stopped for coffee in Vermilion Bay.

_02A4121_02A4121 It was another good driving day, but much shorter than yesterday.

With little suitable accommodation available further on, we chose to spend the night in Thunder Bay.

_02A4123_02A4123 After last night we thought that a nice room should be our consolation.

_02A4127_02A4127 This also was our diner of choice.


Dennis "enjoying" the lasagna which we cooked in our 12-volt oven while driving.

_02A4129_02A4129 Mo and Veda toasting dinner with a glass on Black Market syrah.

Tomorrow along Lake Superior to Sault Ste. Marie, and home on Thursday.


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