It is summer, a time that does not inspire me photographically.
It's more of a season for barbecues and outdoor gatherings.
But on occasion, I do search for photographic subjects. So I've taken photos of these "exotic" wildlife species.
1-W_22_0136Female Mallard Duck with brood
A family of mallards.
A ring-billed gull.
A great blue heron.
A gray tree frog.
If there is no wildlife around, I can always photograph another "exotic" subject: trees.
A grove of trees on Manitoulin Island.
Or a lone tree at Noelvllie.
And if I'm really desperate, I can take photos of churches.
7-S_22_0117Paroise Saint-David
Paroise Saint-David Church in Noelville.
Best of all, when friends gather for outdoor get-togethers in summer, I'll photograph them - all of them.
8-P_22_0064Walt's Party 2022
I'll even jump into the photo myself.