August 4 - Enjoying the Summer

August 05, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Please excuse the paucity of blog posts this summer. After all, as the summer season is so short, we must take advantage of the warm days for other pursuits, such as entertaining visitors with barbecues and good wines.

Along with Marilyn and Bob, we hosted a Sudbury Silver Stars Shindig barbecue for our Vernon Ski Buddies. We were happy to have a number of our friends from out of town attending. Here Veda is with Mary, Dennis, Emmet, Pat, Mo, and Tony with Fergie at the Ramsey Lake Boardwalk.

Aug 4-4Aug 4-4

The following week, long-time friends the O'Hagans visited us. Here Veda is enjoying breakfast on the deck with Julie and Mike, on their annual summer visit.

Aug 4-1Aug 4-1 Here is Annie, who brought her parents, Kate and Monte, up for a visit recently.

Aug 4-2Aug 4-2

I made one short road trip to North Bay to photograph Duchesnay Falls when the water was running high.

C_15_0323C_15_0323Duchesnay Falls, North Bay, Ontario

So now it is our turn to hit the road. We are off to the Goderich Celtic Festival this coming weekend.

Aug 4-3Aug 4-3 Enjoy the rest of your summer. Maybe I'll even get back to some serious photography.


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