April 25 - Re-editing Photos

April 25, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

This is a quiet period for photography outdoors. So I decided to purchase software (Silverfast) so that I could reconnect my film scanner. This was necessitated because Nikon no longer supports their scanners. I have hundreds of slides filed either in boxes or slide files. This will be a lengthy and tedious endeavour. Undoubtedly I will discard many of these images that I once thought were worthy.

Here is a selection from my first few days of revisiting my files.

970049970049Red fox Red fox, Killarney Provincial Park

0100083201000832Gray wolf

Gray wolf, photographed under controlled conditions in Montana

891210891210Black-backed jackal Black-backed jackal, Masai Mara, Kenya

891420891420 Lion, Masai Mara, Kenya

890960b890960bLeopard Young leopard, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya


Cheetah, Masai Mara, Kenya

890744890744Reticulated giraffe (Giraffa reticulata)

Reticulated giraffe, Samburu National Reserve, Kenya


Masai tribesman, Kenya

Jul 61 16BitJul 61 16BitEino, Pal, Grandpa - July 1961 This slide from July 1961, with my friend, Eino (now living in Queensland, Australia), my pet dog, Pal, and my Paappa, taken at Long Lake

The older slides have often faded and require more attempts at post-processing.




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